ksconf promote

Propagate .conf settings applied in one file to another. Typically this is used to move local changes (made via the UI) into another layer, such as the default or a named default.d/50-xxxxx) folder.

Promote has two modes: batch and interactive. In batch mode, all changes are applied automatically and the (now empty) source file is removed. In interactive mode, the user is prompted to select stanzas to promote. This way local changes can be held without being promoted.

NOTE: Changes are MOVED not copied, unless --keep is used.

usage: ksconf promote [-h] [--batch | --interactive] [--force] [--keep]
                      SOURCE TARGET

Positional Arguments

SOURCE The source configuration file to pull changes from. (Typically the local conf file)
TARGET Configuration file or directory to push the changes into. (Typically the default folder)

Named Arguments

--batch, -b Use batch mode where all configuration settings are automatically promoted. All changes are removed from source and applied to target. The source file will be removed unless --keep-empty is used.
--interactive, -i
 Enable interactive mode where the user will be prompted to approve the promotion of specific stanzas and attributes. The user will be able to apply, skip, or edit the changes being promoted.
--force, -f Disable safety checks. Don’t check to see if SOURCE and TARGET share the same basename.
--keep, -k Keep conf settings in the source file. All changes will be copied into the TARGET file instead of being moved there. This is typically a bad idea since local always overrides default.
--keep-empty Keep the source file, even if after the settings promotions the file has no content. By default, SOURCE will be removed after all content has been moved into TARGET. Splunk will re-create any necessary local files on the fly.


The promote command moves configuration settings between SOURCE and TARGET and therefore both files are updated. This is unlike most other commands where only TARGET is modified. Using the --keep argument will prevent SOURCE from being updated.


Promote has two different modes: batch and interactive.

Batch mode
Changes are applied automatically and the (now empty) source file is removed by default. The source file can be retained by using either the --keep or --keep-empty arguments, see descriptions above.
Interactive mode

Prompts the user to pick which stanzas and attributes to integrate. In practice, it’s common that not all local changes will be ready to be promoted and committed at the same time.


This mode was inspired by git add --patch command.

If you haven’t specified either batch or interactive mode, you’ll be asked to pick one at startup. You’ll be given the option to show a diff, apply all changes, or be prompted to keep or reject changes interactively.

Safety checks

Moving content between files is a potentially risky operation. Here are some of the safety mechanisms that ksconf has in place to prevent data loss.


Pairing ksconf with a version control tool like git, while not required, does provide another layer of protection against loss or corruption. If you promote and commit changes frequently, then the scope of potential loss is reduced.

Syntax checking
Strong syntax checking is enabled for both SOURCE and TARGET to prevent mistakes, such as dangling or duplicate stanzas, which could lead to even more corruption.
File fingerprinting
Various attributes of the SOURCE and TARGET files are captured at startup and compared again before any changes are written to disk. This reduces the possibility of a race-condition on a live Splunk system. This mostly impacts interactive mode because the session lasts longer. If this is a concern, run promote only when Splunk is offline.
Same file check
Attempts to promote content from a file to itself are prevented. While logically no one would want to do this, in practice having a clear error message saves time and confusion.
Base name check

The SOURCE and TARGET should share the same base name. In other words, trying to promote from inputs.conf into props.conf (due to a typo) will be prevented. This matters more in batch mode. In interactive mode, it should be pretty obvious that the type of entries don’t make sense and therefore the user can simply exit without saving.

For scripting purposes, there may be times where pushing changes between arbitrary-named files is helpful, so this check can be bypassed by using the --force argument.


Unfortunately, the unit testing coverage for the promote command is quite low. This is primarily because I haven’t yet figured out how to handle unit testing for interactive CLI tools (as this is the only interactive command to date.) I’m also not sure how much the UI may change; Any assistance in this area would be greatly appreciated.


A simple promotion looks like this.

ksconf promote local/props.conf default/props.conf

This is equivalent to this minor shortcut.

ksconf promote local/props.conf default

In this case, ksconf determines that default is a directory and therefore assumes that you want the same filename, props.conf in this case.


Using a directory as TARGET may seem like a trivial improvement, but in practice it greatly reduces accidental cross-promotion of content. Therefore, we suggest its use.

Similarly, a shortcut for pushing between metadata files exists:

ksconf promote metadata/local.meta metadata

Interactive mode

Keyboard shortcuts

Key Meaning Description
y Yes Apply changes
n No Don’t apply
d Diff Show the difference between the file or stanza.
q Quit Exit program. Don’t save changes.


  • Currently, an attribute-level section has not be implemented. Entire stanzas are either kept local or promoted fully.
  • Interactive mode currently lacks “help”. In the meantime, see the keyboard shortcuts listed above.
  • At present, comments in the SOURCE file will not be preserved.
  • If SOURCE or TARGET is modified externally while promote is running, the entire operation will be aborted, thus loosing any custom selections you made in interactive mode. This needs improvement.
  • There’s currently no way to preserve certain local settings with some kind of “never-promote” flag. It’s not uncommon to have some settings in inputs.conf, for example, that you never want to promote.
  • There is no dry-run mode supported. Primarily, this is because it would only work for batch mode, and in interactive mode you explicitly see exactly what will be changed before anything is applied. (If you really need a dry-run for batch mode, use ksconf merge to show the result of TARGET SOURCE combined.)