ksconf diff


Compare settings differences between two .conf files ignoring spacing and sort order

Compares the content differences of two .conf files

This command ignores textual differences (like order, spacing, and comments) and focuses strictly on comparing stanzas, keys, and values. Note that spaces within any given value will be compared. Multiline fields are compared in are compared in a more traditional ‘diff’ output so that long savedsearches and macros can be compared more easily.

usage: ksconf diff [-h] [-o FILE] [--comments] CONF1 CONF2

Positional Arguments

CONF1 Left side of the comparison
CONF2 Right side of the comparison

Named Arguments

-o, --output File where difference is stored. Defaults to standard out.
--comments, -C Enable comparison of comments. (Unlikely to work consistently)


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To use ksconf diff as an external diff tool, check out Ksconf as external difftool.