
Pull requests are greatly welcome! If you plan on contributing code back to the main ksconf repo, please follow the standard GitHub fork and pull-request work-flow. We also ask that you enable a set of git hooks to help safeguard against avoidable issues.

Pre-commit hook

The ksconf project uses the pre-commit hook to enable the following checks:

  • Fixes trailing whitespace, EOF, and EOLs
  • Confirms python code compiles (AST)
  • Blocks the committing of large files and keys
  • Rebuilds the dynamic portions of the docs related to the CLI.
  • Confirms that all unit tests pass. (Currently, this is the same test run by Travis CI, but since tests complete in under 5 seconds, the run-everywhere approach seems appropriate for now. Eventually, the local testing will likely become a subset of the full test suite.)


Multiple uses of pre-commit

Be aware, that the ksconf repo uses pre-commit for validation of it’s own content, and ksconf-pre-commit repo provides a pre-commit hook service definition for other repos. The first scenario is discussed in this section of the guide. The second scenario is for repositories that house Splunk apps to use ksconf check and ksconf sort as easy to use hooks against their own .conf files which is discussed further in Pre-commit hooks.

Installing the pre-commit hook

To ensure your changes comply with the ksconf coding standards, please install and activate pre-commit.


pip install pre-commit

# Register the pre-commit hooks (one time setup)
cd ksconf
pre-commit install --install-hooks

Install gitlint

Gitlint will check to ensure that commit messages are in compliance with the standard subject, empty-line, and body format. You can enable it with:

gitlint install-hook

Refresh module listing

After making changes to the module hierarchy or simply adding new commands, refresh the listing for the autodoc extension by running the following command. Note that this may not remove old packages.

sphinx-apidoc --force -o "docs/source/api" ksconf 'ksconf/ext'

Create a new subcommand


  1. Create a new module in ksconf.commands.<CMD>.

    • Create a new class derived from KsconfCmd. You must, at a minimum, define the following methods:
      • register_args() to setup any config parser inputs.
      • run() which handles the actual execution of the command.
  2. Register a new entrypoint configuration in the script. Edit the _entry_points dictionary to add an entry for the new command.

    • Each entry must include command name, module, and implementation class.
  3. Create unit tests in test/test_cli_<CMD>.py.

  4. Create documentation in docs/source/cmd_<CMD>.rst. You’ll want to build the docs locally to make sure everything looks correct. Part of the documentation is automatically generated from the argparse arguments defined in the register_args() method, but other bits need to be spelled out explicitly.

When in doubt, it may be helpful to look back over history in git for other recently added commands and use that as an example.

Here’s an overview of paths you should expect to update:

File path Description / purpose
ksconf/commands/ The core python code and CLI interface
tests/tests/ Add new unit test here
docs/source/cmd_CMD.rst Command line documentation. Make sure to include the argparse module
ksconf/ Add a new entrypoint line here, or the new command won’t be registered
.pre-commit-hooks.yaml If a new command is applicable, add this to the `ksconf pre-commit repo`_. Update if there are any new external dependencies
requirements.txt Same as above
make_splunk_app If there’s new dependencies that need to go into the Splunk app

Cookiecutter options

The following example assume we’re make a new command called asciiart:

git clone
cd ksconf

# Kick off a cookiecutter  (promt submodule: asciiart)
cookiecutter -c cookiecutter-subcommand

cp ksconf-asciiart/* .

git add ksconf/commands/*.py docs/source/cmd_*.rst tests/test_cli*.py

# Merge that one line into entrypoints
vim ksconf/setup_entrypoints*.py
git add kconf/

# Now run pre-commit to ensure that the new command is found successfully and is importable

# Now go write code, tests, docs and commit ...