ksconf rest-publish


This command effectively replaces ksconf rest-export for nearly all use cases. The only thing that rest-publish can’t do that rest-export can, is handle a disconnected scenario. But for ALL other use cases, the rest-publish (this command) command is far superior.


This commands requires the Splunk Python SDK, which is automatically bundled with the Splunk app for KSCONF.


A simple example:

ksconf rest-publish etc/app/Splunk_TA_aws/local/props.conf \
    --user admin --password secret --app Splunk_TA_aws --owner nobody --sharing global

This command also supports replaying metdata like ACLs:

ksconf rest-publish etc/app/Splunk_TA_aws/local/props.conf \
    --meta etc/app/Splunk_TA_aws/metdata/local.meta \
    --user admin --password secret --app Splunk_TA_aws