Developer setup

The following steps highlight the developer install process.


If you are a developer, then we strongly suggest installing into a virtual environment to prevent overwriting the production version of ksconf and for the installation of the developer tools. (The virtualenv name ksconfdev-pyve is used below, but this can be whatever suites, just make sure not to commit it.)

# Setup and activate virtual environment
virtualenv ksconfdev-pyve
. ksconfdev-pyve/bin/activate

# Install developer packages
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

# Install the ksconf package in '--editable' mode
pip install -e .

Install ksconf

git clone
cd ksconf
pip install .

Building the docs

cd ksconf
. ksconfdev-pyve/bin/activate

cd docs
make html
open build/html/index.html

If you are actively editing the docs, and would like changes to be updated in your browser as you save changes .rst files, then use the script in the root directory:


If you’d like to build PDF, then you’ll need some extra tools. On Mac, you may also want to install the following (for building docs, etc.):

brew install homebrew/cask/mactex-no-gui

Running TOX

Local testing across multiple versions of python can be accomplished with tox and pyenv. See the online docs for theses tools for more details.

Tox and pyenv can be run like so:

# Install the necessary python versions
pyenv install 2.7.17
pyenv install 3.8.1

# Set specific default version of python for each major/minor release (tab completion is your friend here)
pyenv local 2.7.17 ... 3.8.1

# Run tox for ALL python versions

# Run tox for just a specific python version
tox -e py38

Some additional information about how to setup and run these tests can be gleaned from the Vagrantfile and Dockerfile in the root of the git repository, though specific python versions contained there may be quite out of date.