Installation Guide

The following doc describes installation options for Kintyre’s Splunk Configuration tool. KSCONF is available as a normal Python package that should require very minimal effort to install and upgrade. However, sometimes Python packaging gets ugly.

Because of the amount of the degree of complexity installing custom Python packages requires on many enterprise-class Linux distributions which tend to ship with old versions and run for many years, we decided to start shipping ksconf as a Splunk app. While this isn’t a traditional use-case for a Splunk app, (because ksconf typically runs outside of Splunk, not from within it), it is a very useful deployment mechanism.

For that reason, we suggest that most new users start with the KSCONF app for Splunk and only fallback to the traditional Python-package based approach as needed.

If you do find that a python-level install is required or just preferable, then please take advantage of the vast amount of install scenarios I documented before we build the KSCONF Splunk app. More notes and troubleshooting tips are located in the Advanced Installation Guide.


Install Advantages Potential pitfalls
Python package
  • Most ‘pure’ and flexible way to install.
  • Many Linux distro’s don’t ship with pip
  • One command install. (ideally)
  • Easy upgrades
  • Lots of potential variations and pitfalls
  • Too many install options (complexity)
  • Must consider/coordinate install user.
  • Often requires some admin access.
Splunk app
  • Quick installation (single download)
  • Requires one time bootstrap command
  • Self contained; no admin access require
  • Great way to get started with minimal fuss.
  • No CLI completion (yet)
  • Can’t add custom extensions (entrypoints)
  • Crippled Python install (no pip)
  • Grandfather Paradox
Offline package
  • Requires many steps.
  • Inherits ‘Python package’ pitfalls.

Quick install

Download and install the KSCONF App for Splunk. Then open a shell, switch to the Splunk user account and run this one-time bootstrap command.

splunk cmd python $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/ksconf/bin/

Using pip:

pip install kintyre-splunk-conf

System-level install: (For Mac/Linux)

curl | sudo python - kintyre-splunk-conf

Enable Bash completion:

If you’re on a Mac or Linux, and would like to enable bash completion, run these commands:

pip install argcomplete
echo 'eval "$(register-python-argcomplete ksconf)"' >> ~/.bashrc

(Currently for Splunk APP installs; not because it can’t work, but because it’s not documented or tested yet. Pull request welcome.)


Python package install:

  • Python Supports Python 2.7, 3.4+
  • PIP (strongly recommended)
  • Tested on Mac, Linux, and Windows

Splunk app install:

  • Splunk 6.0 or greater is installed

Check Python version

Check your installed python version by running:

python --version

Note that Linux distributions and Mac OS X that ship with multiple version of Python may have renamed this to python2, python2.7 or similar.

Check PIP Version

pip --version

If you are running a different python interpreter version, you can instead run this as:

python2.7 -m pip --version

Install from GIT

If you’d like to contribute to ksconf, or just build the latest and greatest, then install from the git repository is a good choice. (Technically this is still installing with pip, so it’s easy to switch between a PyPI install, and a local install.)

git clone
cd ksconf
pip install .

See developer docs for additional details about contributing to ksconf.

Command line completion

Bash completion allows for a more intuitive interactive workflow by providing quick access to command line options and file completions. Often this saves time since the user can avoid mistyping file names or be reminded of which command line actions and arguments are available without switching contexts. For example, if the user types ksconf d and hits Tab then the ksconf diff is completed. Or if the user types ksconf and hits Tab twice, the full list of command actions are listed.

This feature uses the argcomplete Python package and supports Bash, zsh, tcsh.

Install via pip:

pip install argcomplete

Enable command line completion for ksconf can be done in two ways. The easiest option is to enable it for ksconf only. (However, it only works for the current user, it can break if the ksconf command is referenced in a non-standard way.) The alternate option is to enable global command line completion for all python scripts at once, which is preferable if you use this module with many python tool.

Enable argcomplete for ksconf only:

# Edit your bashrc script
vim ~.bashrc

# Add the following line
eval "$(register-python-argcomplete ksconf)"

# Restart you shell, or just reload by running
source ~/.bashrc

To enable argcomplete globally, run the command:


This adds new script to your the bash_completion.d folder, which can be use for all scripts and all users, but it does add some minor overhead to each completion command request.

OS-specific notes:

  • Mac OS X: The global registration option has issue due the old version of Bash shipped by default. So either use the one-shot registration or install a later version of bash with homebrew: brew install bash then. Switch to the newer bash by default with chsh /usr/local/bin/bash.
  • Windows: Argcomplete doesn’t work on windows Bash for GIT. See argcomplete issue 142 for more info. If you really want this, use Linux subsystem for Windows instead.